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Acceptance Mudra

(From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop)

It helps us to accept our live situations as it is. There are two rules in the world: You don’t get what you desire and you will get what you don’t desire.

Chant the mantra Om Rum Namaha while doing the Acceptance Mudra (right hand – thumb touching index and middle fingers, and left hand touching middle and ring fingers — check the pictures at the end of the article).

 When we were seven years old, we fought over a broken pencil and got emotional. After two years, it was not as important as it was when it happened. Every time something happen, we make it either as a big problem or a small problem by categorizing. Every problem is same – no big or small.

Rama taught this Mudra to Lakshmana, who wanted to kill their father Dasaratha. Rama consoled his brother that whatever happens is right and therefore one has to accept what happens.

If any disappointment strikes you, think about Rama and his deportation to forest for fourteen long years, and do this Mudra. Then you will understand the meaning behind the incident that happens in your life.

When we are angry we don’t want to forgive. It’s ok. Therefore, let it be with you for a while, be in the Mudra and then do the forgiving exercise.


This Mudra helps your digestion. Before taking food, say in a buffet, do this Mudra. You will choose the right food. This will help to avoid our tendency to eat everything.

Changes Will Happen

Without our effort things happen.

I didn’t put an intention to get the sweet today, yet I got some. See how much god is fulfilling our needs without intention. How they are happening and why they are happening – there are no known answers.

The wisdom does not exist separately. Once you remove ignorance, wisdom shines through. Because of thought patterns and life reaction patterns, it’s shrouded. When the patterns and unwanted energies are cleared, wisdom becomes visible.

Awareness removes ignorance. Once the cleansing is over, I will come to know I am a man of wisdom. It dispels the darkness which is like the clouds that covers the sun.

Mentally accept whatever happens. Without acceptance our life is spoiled. If we accept ourselves totally, then things happen. We try to change without acceptance. Don’t change anything. Changes will happen automatically happen then.

pushan left hand

pushan right hand

Manage Confrontation

(From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop)

My husband keeps fighting with me, says a lady. Our normal reaction is to express our anger, which we think is a natural and the right thing to do. Anger will produce only anger. How to break the cycle?

Do Safe and Secure Mudra (on both hands, touch little and ring fingers with thumb). Our anger will come down along with opposite person’s anger. Any financial problem – this Mudra will remove it. To sleep like a child, this Mudra will help.

  • With this Mudra – chant the names of the flowers – Beech, Walnut, Willow, Agrimony, Chicory, and Cherry Plum. This will heal the conflict situation.
  • Alternatively, along with Mudra, chant “Bow Concede Together Divine” Switch Words.
  • When you want to avoid conflict, visualize Green colour. Think about green colour and visualize nature before going to the place where you expect conflict.